This tool reads a DocuXml file, lets the user specify which metadata fields to copy values to, and then outputs another DocuXml file.
Step 1. To read a DocuXml file:
Select the file:
▶ TABLE #1: Loaded Metadata
[File name]: *****
[Corpus]: ***** [Note]: If there is an exception tag, it is marked with this color.
Corpus metadata field
General purpose of the field
Copy the value of the left field to another field
▶ Do you want to update the contents of the corpus field so that all documents are placed under a single corpus?
Corpus name:
[Note]: Multiple documents will be merged in corpus setting. If the tag or subcategory is duplicated, the setting of the first file will be used as the main setting.
▶ Substitute the file name substring (if the two strings specified below are the same, no substitution will be done):
Replace the file name:
▶ TABLE #2: You can specify the name of the tag to be displayed in the subcategory of Metadata (if there are multiple tags of the same nature, only one will be displayed in the subcategory by default):
[Note]: If there is an exception tag, it is marked with this color.
metadata tags
available for post-classification
the default post-classification title for this tag
customized post-classfication display title
post-classification display order
Display the post-classfication?
▶ TABLE #3: Tag Analysis: You can specify whether to add a tag to the post-classification of a customized tag, the display name of the tag, and you can also copy the content of the first tag in the file to the metadata field: * When copying to the metadata field, if the file cannot find the value of the tag, you can copy it to the metadata field:
post-classficationClick to select all
Customized display title
Display order
Tag Content → Interpret Data Fields
▶ TABLE #4: CatTreeLite hierarchical tree structure classification
Select default classification label:
. Alternatively, enter any custom classification labels, separated by slashes (e.g., 'LabelA/LabelB/LabelC'):
Tree name (within 50 characters)
Internal node quantity: Second quantity
, y
Calculate the number of child nodes.
Leaf node quantity: Second quantity
, y
Hide characters beforein each node name (leave blank if not applicable).
Tree name (within 50 characters)
Whether to export this classification tree
Label name (Is it a default label)
Internal node quantifier
Calculate the number of child nodes for each internal node
Leaf jode quantifier
Hidden characters
Update DocuXml when applying the above rules (synchronize the content displayed on this page)
Step 2. Export DocuXml file:
The name of the library file you want to save:
This tool can export the following additional tabular data: