to get the text from DocuSky,
CLICK ME to read into a local DocuXml file,
CLICK ME to read into a local UTF-8 text file,
or cut and paste the text directly into the text box below:
Text Content By using '====' (4 consecutive equal symbols) can users cut the text into multiple chapters
Seed term (input term, regular expressions without tic marks (#;), or
Micros, separated by a semicolon)
Macro detectionAlien Character Setting
Whether or not to clear all clippers and terms in the system:(If you want to import multiple custom vocabulary files #UDEF_XX# in batches, please select 'No.'):
A brief description of supported macro abbreviations.
Detecting candidate clippers and fetching terms with the selected seed.
C Candidate clippersalphabetize
+ Added seed clippers
- Discarded clippers
Add new clipper (enter only left or right clipper is acceptable):
Left clipper: Clipper width (longest word): Right clipper:
Adds new terms:
Consistent punctuation: ⊥
Select the target term and use the selected term as a seed to find new candidate clippers.
C Candidate Terms
Select AllChange to alphabetical order
+ Selected terms
- Discarded terms
Add new terms (terms are separated by ;): Macro
Clipper Parameter Settings ‧ Progress Access ‧ Term Clipper Output
General Parameter Settings
■ Maximum number of documents to be retrieved from DocuSky (maximum 10000):
■ The number of documents displayed on the page:
Adjust Clipper Parameters
■ Adjust length of term clippers
Left Clipper
Right Clipper
■ Adjust setting of clippers' threshold:
Clipper contains a minimum of terms following initial term
■ Punctuation consistency (replace punctuation other than Chinese punctuation with the special symbol "⊥"):
Advanced Retrieval
■ Save: Save progress to a file (without text content).
■ Load: restores the status from a previously saved progress file
Terms output
Output options:
Term only
Term, Filename, Macro, Notes
「」Context review (quantity: ?)
Vocabulary and frequency of occurrence in this section
Finding occurrence statistics for a term
Check the macros you want to check
Selection of alien characters (experimental function)